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250 Years in the making

Our Quaker Heritage

The school was founded by the Religious Society of Friends’ in 1774, originally to provide an education for the children of Quakers in the area. Originally known as the Ulster Provincial School, it was unusual for its time in that it provided for both boys and girls, something which encapsulates the value of equality which has remained central to its ethos ever since.

As the Quakers were at the forefront of the linen industry in the area at the time, it is no surprise that it was a linen merchant, John Hancock, who bequeathed the sum of £1000 for the purchase of the land here on Prospect Hill. The first headmaster was John Gough, a Quaker from Kendal, whose seminal textbooks on arithmetic and English grammar were widely used at the time.

From its beginnings as a school for 35 children, Friends’ is now a thriving school providing for over 1000 pupils from across the community in Lisburn and beyond. Over the past 250 years, it has borne witness to the often troubled history of Lisburn and, although much has changed, it remains true to the Quaker principles on which it was founded.

Students raising their hand
Students playing

Values and Aims

Our Mission

At Friends’ School, our vision is to develop ‘Excellence within a caring and supportive community.’

In the Preparatory Department, we recognise that each of us has unique strengths and weaknesses. We develop our natural talents and work hard to overcome difficulties together. We aim to reach our potential and support others to do the same, so that we can be the best that we can be. 

We live by our values and prioritise our own and others’ wellbeing.

The school owes its continuity and stability to its foundation under the initiative of the Religious Society of Friends. The present aims are in sympathy with the general principles of the society which:

  • Value individuals as of equal standing before God;
  • Accept the indivisibility of the sacred and secular aspects of life;
  • Encourage the development of a sense of social awareness through service.

Our mission is to:

  • enable all pupils to develop their academic potential and interests to the fullest extent;
  • provide a broad and balanced curriculum relevant to the needs of our pupils;
  • foster positive self-esteem in pupils and staff;
  • encourage the moral and spiritual development of our pupils;
  • establish a partnership between the school, parents and the local community;
  • prepare pupils for post-primary education and lay good foundations for adult life.

We listen actively to our school community and value their voice, so that we can work in partnership with all our stakeholders to strive for excellence in all we do.

“Friends’ Prep is a small school, but it gives us a big education.“
